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Business Review Weekly – Well placed to launch start-ups

25 Jul 2013

This week, founder, Mat Jacobson was interviewed by the team at BRW (Business Review Weekly) about the entrepreneurial spirit that drives Ducere and the Ducere Foundation. The full article can be found here.

The mastermind entrepreneurial combination of Josh Liberman, Leon Kempler and Mat Jacobson set online education provider Ducere up with the right start to hit their estimated $10 million revenue in their first year.

Jacobson accredits their success not to the finical backing of large investors but to their ‘appetite for risk and innovation’

Jacobson goes on to describe his shareholders ” Some people get really excited about the idea and the innovation and that what drives Josh. He gets really excited about seeing an opportunity in the market that hasn’t been taken advantage of. He had a different view of risk. He thinks you should be taking a calculated risk, but if you don’t want to take any risk go and buy a toaster”

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